Painting and Decorating
Our expertise in painting building exteriors covers both residential and commercial projects. We have painted and waterproofed lighthouses, steelworks, listed buildings, and many tall houses in London.
We can paint almost any structure at any height. Can we help you ?
Call us today on 0800 1588 318
Where do we start ?
We simply start at the top and work down!
All our equipment is taken up with us, and once we’re anchored safely onto our eyebolts from the top of your building, we start work.
Our extensive knowledge and experience in exterior building painting means that we know what paint products to apply depending on the state, structure and location of your building.
Waterproofing is so important
Painting the exterior of a building isn’t simply a case of applying a few coats of paint.
There’s a lot of preparatory work to be done to unsure that the building is completely waterproofed so that the paint can do its job of providing first level protection and an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
At the Dungeness Lighthouse, we used 4 coats of paint (a total of 1.4 tonnes!), two of which were purely for waterproofing whilst the two top layers applied the colour.
Less Disruption
When you need to repaint the outside of your building and the building is taller than just a few stories, there are usually only two options available; erecting scaffold and hiring ‘traditional’ painters or hiring rope access technicians who are expert exterior painters as well.
Then there’s the cost consideration and disruption caused by scaffolding. Compare this to the ease of using a rope access company and the minimal time it takes to get set up and started.
Rope access is simply more efficient for exterior painting!
Rope Access is cost effective
Rope access avoids the disruption, cost, public safety risks and time delay of assembling and dismantling scaffolding.
We are able to paint the exterior of building with relative ease and safely, providing you with a professional finish.
Using Sussex Rope Access to paint your building will prove efficient, fast and cost effective.
Structural Considerations
The fact that your building is exposed to the elements and has visible signs of paint ‘weathering’ is often a case for further investigation to ascertain that the structure has maintained it’s integrity.
We will advise you as to any repair works needed before we begin the repainting.