Concrete Crack Repairs
Any concrete damage will manifest itself in two areas; cracks in the concrete, and possibly visible corrosion of the steel within.
It is essential to determine the underlying cause of the concrete crack to ensure that the correct repair is carried out.
This is fundamental to the success or failure of the repair, and a lack of adequate attention at this point can jeopardise the whole job.
Below you’ll find the main types of repairs we do for concrete cracks.
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Concrete Crack Repairs – The options
Concrete Patch Repairs
If the problem has been diagnosed as being due to carbonation induced or chloride induced corrosion of the reinforcement, patch repairs may be used, although with the latter, there are precautions needed to ensure a successful repair.
We use patch repairs where the damage is evidentially cracking and spalling due to reinforcement corrosion only. If the problem has been diagnosed as due to ASR or any of the other mechanisms of failure, the repair may need to be specifically designed for that particular contract and structure, and it is impossible to generalise about the approach which might be taken.
Cathodic Protection
This is a recently developed process for dealing with corrosion of steel in concrete.
If we can make the cathodic reaction predominate along the steel, we will stop corrosion. In electrochemical techniques we apply an external anode to the concrete surface. This generates the electrons instead of the anodic reaction, and the steel has only the cathodic reaction occurring on its surface.
The systems re-establish a “passive” environment around the steel that will last many years.One requirement for all electrochemical treatment is good electrical continuity to ensure that current flows from the anode to all areas of steel. Electrical continuity must be checked and, if necessary, established in all applications of these techniques. The reverse side of that issue is that there must be no short circuits between the steel and the surface.